User Authentication in Astro DB

Last week, Astro released a new database platform called Astro DB. It’s a fully managed SQL database designed exclusively for Astro websites, powered by Turso. Turso maintains libSQL, a fork of SQLite optimized for modern distributed internet workloads. Astro also includes Drizzle ORM for type-safe queries to the database. Read their blog post for a full deep dive.
Naturally, the first thing you’ll want to do with your database is give your users authenticated access. Luckily, Lucia Auth gives us everything we need to do this. The rest of this blog post is a comprehensive guide to get started with user authentication in Astro DB.
If you haven’t already setup your project with Astro DB, be sure to follow their docs or run the following command to install the @astrojs/db
integration. This guide uses pnpm
for package management.
pnpm astro add db
Create an OAuth App
This example uses GitHub for authentication, but the process should be similar for other OAuth providers. Create a OAuth app in your GitHub account settings and set the redirect URI to http://localhost:4321/login/github/callback
for local development. For production, use your website’s domain. Copy the client ID and secret and paste them into your .env
Define your database
Astro DB configuration lives in the db
directory. Running the above command should create db/config.ts
and db/seed.ts
files. Define your User
and Session
tables in db/config.ts
using the defineTable
and column
functions from astro:db
The User
table requiresid
and githubId
columns while the Session
table requires id
, expiresAt
, and a userId
column that references id
in the User
table. Feel free to add additional columns to the User
table as needed. Here’s an example configuration:
// db/config.ts
import { column, defineDb, defineTable } from "astro:db";
const User = defineTable({
columns: {
id: column.text({ primaryKey: true }),
githubId: column.number({ unique: true }),
username: column.text(),
name: column.text(),
const Session = defineTable({
columns: {
id: column.text({ primaryKey: true }),
userId: column.text({ references: () => }),
export default defineDb({ tables: { User, Session } });
Next, install lucia
, lucia-adapter-astrodb
, and arctic
to your project.
pnpm add lucia lucia-adapter-astrodb
Somewhere in your project, create a file for your authentication code, for example src/lib/auth.ts
Lucia can be used with many adapters for different databases. In this case, use the AstroDBAdapter
from lucia-adapter-astrodb
to connect Lucia to your Astro DB.
(As another option, you can use theDrizzleSQLiteAdapter
from the official @lucia-auth/adapter-drizzle
package with the asDrizzleTable
function from @astrojs/db/utils
Create a DatabaseUserAttributes
interface with your database columns and pass it to the module declaration. This will allow you to use the DatabaseUserAttributes
type in Lucia’s getUserAttributes
function. The returned object from this function is added to the User
// src/lib/auth.ts
import { db, Session, User } from "astro:db";
import { Lucia } from "lucia";
import { AstroDBAdapter } from "lucia-adapter-astrodb";
interface DatabaseUserAttributes {
githubId: number;
username: string;
name: string;
const { PROD, GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET } = import.meta.env;
const adapter = new AstroDBAdapter(db, Session, User);
export const lucia = new Lucia(adapter, {
sessionCookie: { attributes: { secure: PROD } },
getUserAttributes: (attributes) => ({
// attributes has the type of `DatabaseUserAttributes`
username: attributes.username,
githubId: attributes.githubId,
declare module "lucia" {
interface Register {
Lucia: typeof lucia;
DatabaseUserAttributes: DatabaseUserAttributes;
Lucia recommends using Arctic (made by the same developer) for implementing OAuth, as it very simple to use and supports many providers.
pnpm add arctic
In the same file with lucia, import GitHub
from arctic
and export a new instance with your client ID and secret.
// src/lib/auth.ts
import { GitHub } from "arctic";
// ... rest of the file
export const github = new GitHub(GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET);
Astro Config
There are two changes you need to make to your astro config file. First, you need to manually mark the astro:db
as an external dependency. Second, for authentication to work properly, Astro’s build output must be set to server
or hybrid
. If you want your website to be mostly static, use hybrid
and don’t forget to add export const prerender = false;
to the upcoming middleware and API endpoints code snippets.
// astro.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
output: "server", // or "hybrid"
vite: {
optimizeDeps: {
exclude: ["astro:db"]
// ... rest of config
Middleware is used to validate requests and makes the Session
and User
objects available to Astro.locals
for use in your components. Below is an example that reads and validates the session cookie, and implements CSRF protection.
// src/middleware.ts
import { defineMiddleware } from "astro:middleware";
import { verifyRequestOrigin } from "lucia";
import { lucia } from "~/lib/auth";
export const onRequest = defineMiddleware(async (context, next) => {
if (context.request.method !== "GET") {
const originHeader = context.request.headers.get("Origin");
const hostHeader = context.request.headers.get("Host");
if (
!originHeader ||
!hostHeader ||
!verifyRequestOrigin(originHeader, [hostHeader])
) {
return new Response(null, { status: 403 });
const sessionId = context.cookies.get(lucia.sessionCookieName)?.value ?? null;
if (!sessionId) {
context.locals.user = null;
context.locals.session = null;
return next();
const { session, user } = await lucia.validateSession(sessionId);
if (session && session.fresh) {
const sessionCookie = lucia.createSessionCookie(;
if (!session) {
const sessionCookie = lucia.createBlankSessionCookie();
context.locals.session = session;
context.locals.user = user;
return next();
Also, don’t forget to add the types to App.Locals
// src/env.d.ts
/// <reference types="astro/client" />
declare namespace App {
interface Locals {
session: import("lucia").Session | null;
user: import("lucia").User | null;
API Endpoints
Create a new API endpoint for logging in with GitHub. This endpoint will redirect the user to GitHub’s authorization URL.
// src/pages/login/github/index.ts
import { generateState } from "arctic";
import { github } from "~/lib/auth";
import type { APIContext } from "astro";
export async function GET(context: APIContext): Promise<Response> {
const state = generateState();
const url = await github.createAuthorizationURL(state);
context.cookies.set("github_oauth_state", state, {
path: "/",
secure: import.meta.env.PROD,
httpOnly: true,
maxAge: 60 * 10,
sameSite: "lax",
return context.redirect(url.toString());
Create a new API endpoint for handling the callback from GitHub. This endpoint will validate the authorization code, create a user if one doesn’t already exist, create a session, and redirect the user to the home page.
import { OAuth2RequestError } from "arctic";
import { db, eq, User } from "astro:db";
import { generateId } from "lucia";
import { github, lucia } from "~/lib/auth";
import type { APIContext } from "astro";
export async function GET(context: APIContext): Promise<Response> {
const code = context.url.searchParams.get("code");
const state = context.url.searchParams.get("state");
const storedState = context.cookies.get("github_oauth_state")?.value ?? null;
if (!code || !state || !storedState || state !== storedState) {
return new Response(null, { status: 400 });
try {
const tokens = await github.validateAuthorizationCode(code);
const githubUserResponse = await fetch("", {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${tokens.accessToken}`,
const githubUser: GitHubUser = await githubUserResponse.json();
const existingUser = (
if (existingUser) {
const session = await lucia.createSession(, {});
const sessionCookie = lucia.createSessionCookie(;
return context.redirect("/");
const userId = generateId(15);
await db.insert(User).values({
id: userId,
username: githubUser.login,
// Fallback to the GitHub username if the name is null
name: ?? githubUser.login,
const session = await lucia.createSession(userId, {});
const sessionCookie = lucia.createSessionCookie(;
return context.redirect("/");
} catch (error) {
// the specific error message depends on the provider
if (error instanceof OAuth2RequestError) {
// invalid code
return new Response(null, { status: 400 });
return new Response(null, { status: 500 });
interface GitHubUser {
id: number;
login: string;
name: string | null;
Note: If deploying your website to Cloudflare, you’ll needed to add the User-Agent
header to the fetch request to the GitHub API as Cloudflare leaves it out by default.
Log out the user by POST
ing to the /api/logout
endpoint. This will invalidate the session, remove the session cookie, and redirect the user to the login page.
import { lucia } from "~/lib/auth";
import type { APIContext } from "astro";
export async function POST(context: APIContext): Promise<Response> {
if (!context.locals.session) {
return new Response(null, { status: 401 });
await lucia.invalidateSession(;
const sessionCookie = lucia.createBlankSessionCookie();
return Astro.redirect("/login");
Implementing in Pages/Components
Now that the middleware, API endpoints, and authentication logic are all in place, all that’s left is to implement the login and logout functionality in your pages and components.
// src/pages/login/index.astro
<html lang="en">
<a href="/login/github">Sign in with GitHub</a>
<form method="post" action="/api/logout">
<button>Sign out</button>
Protecting Routes
You can protect routes by validating Astro.locals
and/or user
in your components. For example, in the frontmatter of a page:
const user = Astro.locals.user;
if (!user) {
return Astro.redirect("/login");
const username = user.username;
Next Steps
This guide covers the basics of user authentication in Astro DB with Lucia Auth in a local development environment and database. For production, I recommend Astro’s hosted solution: Astro Studio. It has an extremely generous free tier and is designed to work seamlessly with Astro DB. Check our their recipe for more information on how to do this.
And that’s it! If you want to see all of this in action, check out the guestbook page on this website, or the example source code, deployed to Netlify. This is my first blog post, so I hope you found it helpful! Credit to this tweet for the inspiration. If you liked this, I might have more Astro content coming soon…